Join metamours Kellie and Shiloh as we help navigate the tricky world of out-of-the-box relationships using the enneagram, witty banter, and more!

Latest Episodes

Poly Camping and Meeting the 'cule

In this episode we are on location in beautiful Pioneer, CA for our 3rd annual poly ‘camping’ trip!  And we introduce all of our weirdos!

Action-Packed Compliment Sandwich

In this episode, We learn what a paragon is, decide that we might have openings in the family for enneagrams 3, 4, and 8, and why you need a 3 to calendar for your pol...

Broken Birds, Dry Cups, and "Special" Friends

In this episode of Can We Get Your Number, we do a deep dive into Kellie's number - Enneagram 2. We'll get in to why she wants to be loved by the world, the torture of...

The frosting wasn't on the ultrasound!

Number one this week, we do a deep dive into Enneagram number one. Our special guest is Randy J. Warner, the podcast producer and Mr. Shiloh. We talk about frosting, W...

Nines are Horcruxes

In this episode, Kellie and Shiloh do a deep dive into Enneagram 9. Shiloh is the resident 9 and she gets in to all the details on what it's like to be a peacemaker. S...

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